Rich Charlson
It is the creation of the designs and choosing the appropriate wood that is his passion. A self-taught wood-turner, Rich has been turning bowls for about thirty five years. Turning the wood is a small part of the creative process.
At first glance, some of his designs look like woven baskets. Closer inspection reveals thousands of little pieces of wood arranged and glued in beautiful patterns. In those pieces, colors and textures are all natural; nothing is dyed or painted. More recently he has begun to use ink to add color to his work …
Read about Rich and his art in the January 2024 Cowboys & Indians magazine!

The basket illusions were inspired by Native American basketry. These bowls contain thousands of pieces. The end product looks like it is woven. The Acoma, Navajo, and Wounaan (South America) Indian designs have influenced Rich’s designs. Many of these designs have been inked.
The basketweave illusions were inspired by Native American basketry. These bowls contain thousands of pieces. The end product looks like it is woven. The Acoma, Navajo, and Wounaan (South America) Indian designs have influenced Rich’s designs. The designs are all natural wood colors with no dyes or ink.

Wall Hangings
Star Bowls
According to Native American lore, the morning star is a sign of good luck and prosperity.

Corian Bowls
The corian bowls are the most useable bowls made by Rich. They are made from corian countertopping and can be put in the dishwasher, microwave, or freezer. Most are inlaid with a corian morning star which is a sign of good luck and prosperity.
Hat band Collection
These bowls are designed to be reminiscent of woven hat bands.

The crosses are made from carefully selected, highly-figured woods. They are inlaid with turquoise from Arizona. Then they are finished with an automotive clear coat which means they will not need to be oiled like most wood products.
Russell Art Auction

Step into a realm where artistry meets fluidity and experience the captivating allure of Whirlwind art. As our newest category, Whirlwinds encapsulate a unique and mesmerizing flow that will leave you breathless.
Other Turnings
Each of these pieces is unique in that they don’t easily fit into any of the categories listed.

Rich & Vivian Charlson
1018 Charlson Drive
Carter, MT 59420
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